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- Zacchaeus the tax collector
- Blind Bartimaeus
- Misguided Ambetition
- Jesus again predicts His death
- Jesus Raises Lazarus Part 4
- Jesus Raises Lazarus Part 3
- Jesus Comforts the Sisters of Lazarus Part 2
- The Death of Lazarus Part 1
- The Truth be Told New Year 2025
- The Purpose of Christmas Part 4
- The Purpose of Christmas Part 3
- The Purpose of Christmas Part 2
- The Purpose of Christmas Part 1
- The Trails of Life part 2
- The Trails of Life part 1
- The Last will be first
- Whatever It Takes
- Walking with Jesus - Week 129
- The Little Children and Jesus
- The Pharasee and the Tax Collector
- Persistent in Prayer
- The Coming of the Kingdom of God
- Sin Faith Duty
- Grandparents Sunday
- Sin Faith Duty Part 3
- Sin Faith Duty Part 2
- Sin Faith Duty Part 1
- The Rich Man and Lazarus
- Scoff or Submit
- The Dishonest Manager
- The Father's Side
- Master Story Teller
- "The Decisions The Decussion"
- God's Lost and Found
- The Cost of Being a Disciple
- Eating with Jesus
- A Time to Remember
- Jesus at a Pharisee's House
- Christ's Sorrow for Jersusalem
- The Narrow Door
- Whose team are you on
- Dead Religion
- Learning from Tragedy
- No More Fear of Death
- Signs, Judgement and a Promise
- Bringing Fire to the Earth
- Being a Good Waiter
- Do Not Worry
- How to be Really Rich
- The Hazard of Hyppcrisy
- The Priority of Praise
- Focus
- Reason to Believe
- Lord, Teach us to Pray
- At the Home of Mary & Martha
- The Good Samaritan
- A Call to Rest
- Lord's Supper at Christmas
- Interruptions at Christmas
- What Makes Jesus Rejoice
- A Crucial Message
- Missed Opportunities
- The Shepherd and His Flock Part 4
- The Shepherd and His Flock Part 3
- The Shepherd and His flock part 2
- The Shepherd and His flock part 1
- Where is the celebration?
- Questions to ask. Questions to answer
- Answering His Attackers
- False Assurance
- Freedom
- Believe That I am He
- Light of the World pt 2
- The Light Of the World
- They Knew Not The Answer
- Grace, Mercy,Forgiveness and No Stones
- Jewish Leaders Unbelief
- Diversity or Disunity
- Living Water
- Do You Own or Rent?
- Confused, Rejected, Excluded
- Feast of the Tabernacle 2
- Feast of the Tabernacles
- F.O.C.U.S
- The Unmerciful Servant
- Learning How to Fight Right
- Salted with Fire
- Turning A New Page
- Letter to Mom
- The Temple Tax
- Walking with Jesus Week 66
- Faith as a Mustard Seed
- When Satan Gets In and Creates A Mess What Do You Do
- The Transfiguration
- Winning by Losing!
- Jesus Predicts His Death
- Back to the Basic
- The Blind Man at Bethsaida
- Beware of Poison Religion
- Show Me a Sign
- Our Compassionate Provider
- Clean and Unclean part 2
- Clean and Unclean - Part 1
- To Whom Shall We Go
- Bread for All
- Bread of Life
- True and False Disciples
- The Bread of Life Part 1
- Simon Peter Walks on Water
- Jesus Feds the Five Thousands
- A Cold Cup of Water
- Peace or War Part 2
- Peace or War?
- What it means to be a Disciple
- Sheep Among Wolves pt 3
- Sheep Among Wolves pt 2
- Sheep Among Wolves pt 1
- Mission to the Lost
- The King's Ambassadors
- Help Wanted
- Jesus Cleansing Power
- From Fear to Faith
- The Other Side
- The Storms of Life
- The Cost of following Jesus
- The Value and Impact of God's Kingdom
- The Mustard Seed & Yeast
- Parable of the Growing Seed
- The Parable of the weeds
- The Parable of the sower
- Six Woes
- Let It Shine
- The Family of God
- Christ's Judgement for Rejecters
- Good Fruit, Bad Fruit
- The Unforgivable Sin
- Jesus Raises a Widow's Son
- The Heavenly War
- The Faith of the Centurion
- Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness - Easter Sermon
- Salt and Light
- Who Are You?
- Where Do You Find Rest?
- The Credentials of Jesus
- The Most Startling Claim Ever
- Do You Want to Get Well?
- New Wineskins
- The Woman at the Well
- Jesus and John the Baptist
- Jesus and Nicodemus
- Cleansing of the Temple
- Got Wine?
- Meeting Jesus
- The Temptation of Jesus
- Better Together
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